An Unhappy Ending: Epilogue to 'Eat, Pray, Love' Is Divorce

By Ephrat Livni, Esq. on July 07, 2016 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Elizabeth Gilbert, writer of the bestselling book Eat, Pray, Love, wrote a sad note to fans on social media last week. Her love story with the man in that book has reached its conclusion, and the epilogue is now being written in the form of a divorce.

Gilbert said she felt forced to share the intimate detail because this is what made her famous. Eat, Pray, Love is the account of a divorced woman traveling the world in search of meaning. It was made into a hit movie starring Julia Roberts and Gilbert became the guru of bourgeois spirituality and simple secrets. Just eat, pray, love ... and move on.

Media Matters

Gilbert reassured "dear ones," her fans on Facebook, of the enlightened nature of the breakup."I am separating from the man whom many of you know as 'Felip'" -- the man whom I fell in love with at the end of the EAT PRAY LOVE journey. He has been my dear companion for over 12 years, and they have been wonderful years. Our split is very amicable. Our reasons are very personal." This is, Gilbert wrote, "a story I am living, not a story I am telling."

Fans wrote back. She got thousands of responses immediately and the numbers mounted astronomically. Some were supportive, like a writer in Elle who says Gilbert's second divorce should serve as a consolation to the struggling masses with messy marriages. But many were amused at what was sad personal news for the writer. In light of the fact that her love story is the cornerstone of her career, a second divorce book was predicted.

Money Matters

Given Gilbert's awareness of her husband's role in reader imaginations and in her own successful story, and being so famously enlightened, she will likely come to a quiet agreement about financial matters. Details about the divorce will probably not be offered up for public sport like the split itself was. However invested the audience may feel, and however grateful Gilbert is to her readers, she's probably not going to tell "dear ones" what it costs a star to move on after love, though we may yet get more on eating and praying.

Splitting Up?

If you are contemplating moving on, like Elizabeth Gilbert, talk to a lawyer. Many divorce attorneys consult for free or a minimal fee and will be happy to discuss your situation.

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